Haworth Ministries
Deaf Ministry Portugues>>



July, 1985

One teacher at our local School for the Deaf, exclaimed, "What happened to these kids last week? They are so much easier to manage and to teach!"

The other teacher who had accompanied the deaf kids to camp and had accepted the Lord as Savior, replied, "Well, it's like this. At camp they learned about Jesus, and they accepted Him into their lives as Savior. He cleaned them from their sins and now they are new people."

The second week of August was Camp for the Deaf. We rented a bus and took children from schools for the deaf in Juazeiro, Barbalha and Crato...our Tri-City area. We also invited the teachers and parents as well as any others in our churches that would like to go and learn sign language. The bus went full and they had a wonderful week. Ten of the deaf and one teacher accepted Christ as Savior. We felt that it was a good return on our investment of time and money.

How to consolidate our gains and follow up these people? Why not a once-a-month get together for our whole area? 

This would bring workers and deaf together from all over and keep the enthusiasm going in all the churches, as well as maintain contact with the unbelieving teachers and deaf from the schools and general population.

The first Sunday afternoon of every month was selected and the initial one, September 1st, was a roaring success. We had craft, sign language classes, Bible story, games, popcorn and a silent film. They loved it!

They presented their Christmas drama in some of the area churches.

As deaf ministries were begun in Fortaleza, Recife and Juazeiro da Bahia, our young people met deaf young people from other areas.  

Camp became a special place where new friendships were formed. . . 

some of them lasting!

It has been 21 years since that camp. We progressed from once a month to every Sunday morning. 

Missionary colleague John Peterson came almost every year to direct the camp.

 Recently he and his wife, Jean, have moved to our area. To date there is a Deaf Church, a deaf school is functioning and the Petersons teach in the Seminary, training deaf workers. 

A Brazilian missionary, Marli Gavioli, is traveling to Central America to record the sign language of each country.

God has richly blessed the Deaf Ministry in Juazeiro do Norte.


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